Legal information
You are currently logged onto the website of the EDENRED SE company.
By accessing this site, the user agrees to the present terms and conditions of use.
Headquarters - Edenred SE
Communications Department
Be Issy building
14-16 boulevard Garibaldi
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Phone: +33 (0)1 74 31 75 00
Publishing information
This site is published by:
EDENRED SE, an European company and a capital of 483,947,960 euros, registered in the Commercial Register under No. N° RCS Nanterre 493 322 978.
EDENRED SE (Publisher contact)
Communications Department
Be Issy building
14-16 boulevard Garibaldi
92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Phone: +33 (0)1 74 31 75 00
Send an e-mail
Publication director: Emmanuelle Châtelain
This website was designed and developed on Drupal by the Castor & Pollux digital agency.
It is green hosted by Ikoula.
The Media room is developed by ePressPack.

Protection of personal data
EDENRED SE, whose headquarters are located at the Be Issy building, 14-16 boulevard Garibaldi, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France, is responsible for processing your personal data for the following defined purposes: management of the relationship between EDENRED SE and its individual shareholders, sending of the company's financial press releases.
To find out more about the management of your personal data and to exercise your rights, please refer to this detailed notice (PDF, 77 KB).
For more information on the Information Technology and Civil Liberties law, consult the CNIL website.
The trademarks and logos appearing on this site are trademarks registered by EDENRED SE, companies within the EDENRED SE group or its trading partners. Mention of these trademarks or logos in no way grants right of use of the said trademarks, which thus cannot be used without prior written consent from the owner of the trademark. Abuse shall constitute forgery.
All information contained on this site may be downloaded, reproduced and printed on condition that:
- such information is used for personal, non-commercial use;
- no information is modified;
- the EDENRED SE trademark is appended to all copies. Any other use that is not expressly authorised is strictly forbidden without EDENRED SE prior written authorisation.
Any other use that is not expressly authorised is strictly forbidden without EDENRED SE prior written authorisation.
Photo credits:
Grégoire Korganow/Agence LACOMPANY, Crédit Gilles Rolle/REA, Denis Allard/REA, Yves Forestier / Alkama, Ümit Zagli, Métamis Création, Thinkstock, Photononstop, Shutterstock, Corbis, Getty Images, PhotoAlto, Fotolia, DR, Christophe Lebedinsky, © Litchi Agency / Fabien Bernardi, Véronique Marc, Jens Braune del Angel, obs/Great Place to Work® Institut Deutschland/Gero Breloer.
Any download, publication, broadcasting or reproduction of the pictures available on the "" website is strictly prohibited unless for personal use.
Legal disclaimer
All information that can be accessed on this site is supplied without modification.
- EDENRED SE provides no guarantee, explicit or implicit, and shall assume no liability for use of this information.
- EDENRED SE is not liable for inaccuracies, errors or omissions contained on this site. The user alone is liable for the use of such information.
- EDENRED SE reserves the right to modify the present information by updating the site EDENRED SE cannot be held liable for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from information contained on this site.
- The user undertakes not to transmit any information to this site that may give rise to civil liability or that could constitute a criminal offence.
- The user shall agree in this regard not to divulge via this site any illegal or defamatory information, or information that may disrupt law and order.
EDENRED SE strives to provide users with available and verified information and/or tools, but it shall not be held liable for errors, lack of availability of information and/or the presence of a virus on its site.
EDENRED SE has no control over external sites linked by hyperlink to the present site and thus declines all liability with regard to their content. The user alone is liable for their use.
Electronic messaging
For any remark relating to the operation of the site, contact the web administrator.
Messages sent via the Internet may be intercepted. Until we have received your messages, their confidentiality cannot be guaranteed.
Cookie management policy
What is a cookie?
Cookies are small text files stored on your device (computer, tablet or mobile) when you are on the Internet, including on Edenred’s websites. A cookie file allows its issuer to identify the terminal in which it is registered during the period of validity or registration of the cookie concerned.
Why do we use cookies on the website?
We mainly use these Cookies on our sites in order to make your browsing more pleasant and to perform traffic statistics, share contents on social media, apply for a job at Edenred and monitor its progress. Some cookies are also set up by third party, like Google Analytics for example.
How to set up the cookies through my Internet browser?
The settings from the Internet browsers are usually programmed by default to accept Cookies, but you can easily adjust it by changing the settings of your browser:
However, if you choose to disable the Cookies on your browser, you might not be able to benefit from all the functionalities offered by our websites.
EDENRED SE provides no guarantee and shall assume no liability for the use, copying or transmission of any information whatsoever contained on the site