Analyst coverage

Below is the list of financial analysts who are, to Edenred's knowledge, covering and publishing research notes on the Group. 

Analysts covering Edenred

AlphaValue Rishabh Gupta
Autonomous Josh Levin
Bank of America Simona Sarli
Barclays Pravin Gondhale
Berenberg Benjamin Sandland-Taylor
Bernstein Sabrina Blanc
CIC Christian Devismes
Citi Pavan Daswani
Deutsche Bank AG André Juillard
Exane BNP Paribas Mourad Lahmidi
Goldman Sachs Ben Andrews
J.P. Morgan Estelle Weingrod
Jefferies Hannes Leitner
Kepler Cheuvreux Julien Richer
Morgan Stanley Ed Young
Morningstar Ben Slupecki
Oddo BHF Johanna Jourdain
Stifel David Vignon
UBS Justin Forsythe

Edenred cannot guarantee the exhaustivity of this list, which is subject to modifications.