Our values

Edenred's culture is based on 5 fundamental values ​​that encourage each of its employees to seek excellence: Passion for customers, Respect, Imagination, Simplicity and Entrepreneurial spirit.

Bertrand Dumazy Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of Edenred

Respect for Edenred's culture and values is a prerequisite for generating sustained and profitable growth.

Passion for customers

We are committed to companies, employees and merchants, working to understand and anticipate their needs as effectively as possible and align our services and our programs with their changing expectations. We relentlessly fine-tune every last detail until 100% of our customers would recommend us to their friends.


Business excellence requires respect. For this reason, we work proactively, accountably and honestly with our customers. We express our gratitude and our recognition every day to our colleagues. We efficiently use the resources provided to us by our shareholders. And we offer products and services that create value for all of our stakeholders in society as a whole.


Imagination stimulates innovation and gives rise to progress. Every day, we let our creativity run free to inspire and connect companies, employees and merchants in the working world, both today and tomorrow.


Our customers want their interactions with us to be simple and easy. We strive to be straightforward in everything we do and transparent in everything we say.

Entrepreneurial spirit

Edenred’s entrepreneurial spirit drives growth and spreads the Group’s pioneering ethos to the new territories that we set out to explore. It strengthens local empowerment while continually pushing us to higher levels of business excellence.

These values ​​express the personality and the founding traits of the Group beyond the brands, businesses and cultures. Each year, the teams around the world that exemplify the Group's values ​​are rewarded with a specific prize: the Value Awards.



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    Our purpose

    Discover Edenred's purpose, "Enrich connections. For good."

  • A unique company

    By striving to always move forward, help each other out and emulate the best, we have earned a special place among our stakeholders.
