
To support our employees throughout their Edenred career, we place particular emphasis on training. Our aim is to unlock employees’ full potential and create an ethical base to strengthen team spirit.


Supporting strategy and fostering personal development

With the digital transition picking up pace and new solutions being developed, training has become a key component of the Group’s strategy. It is also a way to promote employees’ expertise and foster their personal growth.

Edenred employees can benefit from training programs that are in line with the strategy and needs of their entity, but also capable of supporting them in their personal development. Subsidiaries' training plans consist of a structured program, consistent with the principles of Edenred's strategy and the specific features of each country. 

In 2023, 92% of the workforce attended at least one training course during the year, thanks in particular to the Edenred Digital University (EDU) e-learning platform, which can be accessed Group-wide.

Employees received 22 hours of training on average in 2023. Edenred's multilingual digital training offer is enriched every year. Developed jointly by HR teams and other departments, a Group training catalog is available in EDU and accessible to all employees. Additional modules are also created at local level.

Supporting environmental and ethical initiatives

Because employee commitment is a key success factor for Edenred’s environmental policy, training initiatives have been deployed on environmentally friendly practices. In 2022, 69% of employees were made aware of environmental issues such as climate change, food waste, recycling and waste management.

Various modules are also available to educate employees in certain technical and interpersonal issues that are essential to the Group, including: