One of our objectives at Edenred is to improve quality of life within our ecosystem, and this applies first and foremost to our employees. We go about this by addressing the threefold challenge of attracting top talent, helping employees grow and recognizing performance in all its forms. And we do this in all 45 countries where we operate.

A caring company
Welcoming talent
We welcome recent graduates, more experienced professionals and anyone else with the skills needed to fuel the Group’s success. That makes recruitment an important process, carefully managed for long-term results.
In 2023, more than 2,600 people joined Edenred and Group subsidiaries on permanent contracts. The candidate experience is now at the heart of the hiring process and, at Edenred France for example, surveys are used to assess and improve the recruitment cycle.
Each Group subsidiary pays particularly close attention to welcoming new hires into their teams. Most have set up onboarding programs to help new employees quickly find their feet within the Edenred community.

Helping people grow
Every day, we encourage our people to improve their skills, move up and surpass themselves. Our ultimate goal is to be the best place to work and grow. In 2024, for the fourth year in a row, Edenred France was named a Top Employer for the excellence of its HR practices. In Turkey, Brazil, Greece, Peru, Uruguay or the United Arab Emirates, Edenred also obtained Great Place to Work certification over the last months.
The Group’s ongoing development and agile organization provide employees with new opportunities throughout their careers, with internal mobility favored over external recruitment. The aim is to expand this policy of opening up internal positions internationally.
Since 2018, a talent review process has been in place to facilitate mobility and identify and monitor key and high-potential employees. At Edenred, there are no standard career paths.

Rewarding performance
Edenred’s compensation policies at the local and global levels are designed to recognize employees and reward their contribution to the Group’s growth. Our policies are based on merit and individual performance.
Employees may also receive variable compensation fixed according to the level of position and responsibility, and whose allocation depends on the year’s performance. In addition, they are given a stake in the Group’s profits via local initiatives such as profit-sharing, incentive schemes and performance shares.
Local ceremonies are organized to recognize individual or collective contribution and performance in exceptional projects.